Joy Behar Married
Joy Behar Married. It took a while, but redheaded wisecracker Joy Behar finally married her longtime boyfriend Steve Janowitz this week. According to Behar’s rep, the admitted marriage-phobe and Janowitz, her beau of 29 years, quietly wed in New York City on Thursday — ironically, the 14th anniversary of Joy’s debut as a panelist on ABC’s The View.“She was married Thursday night and will talk about it on ‘The View’ and her HLN show, ‘The Joy Behar Show,’ on September 6,” Behar’s rep at HLN confirmed Friday. “She is currently on her honeymoon.”
Behar seemed to address the news on Twitter late Friday night, writing, “Gone fishing.”
Behar and Janowitz have been a couple since the early 1980s, and even before they tied the knot, the bride regularly referred to him as her “spousal equivalent.”
Behar, who has one daughter from her ill-fated first marriage, actually broke off an engagement to Janowitz in 2009.
“I’m getting my own talk show on HLN, so I don’t have to get married anymore,” she joked at The Friars Club NYC back in June of that year. “Actually, I got cold feet again, so I don’t know what I’m going to do. It’s off the table. What’ll happen is, when I decide to do it, I’ll do it, and then everybody will know I did it. I can’t make up my mind.”
Source: igossip
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