Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Child dangling from Essex flat

Child dangling from Essex flat
Child dangling from Essex flat. A woman arrested after her four-year-old daughter was found dangling from the top of a four-storey building in Colchester has been released on bail.

The 28 year old was arrested on suspicion of neglect on Friday.

A neighbour managed to rescue the four year old girl from falling, who had been left in the flat alone.

The girl climbed out of a window on to the sloping roof at flats in Albany Gardens but slipped and caught her foot in guttering.

Joe Hassell, from Colchester fire station, said: "Luckily a neighbour was on the communal balcony area and came to her rescue just in time.

"The neighbour undoubtedly saved this little girl's life."

Read more: bbc

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